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Photo of Doctor Katie Cresswell


Katie Cresswell

Research Fellow

Sustainable Marine Research Collaboration

Orcid identifier0000-0003-1692-4964
  • Research Fellow
    Sustainable Marine Research Collaboration
  • +61 3 6226 8323 (Work)
  • Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, Sustainable Marine Research Collaboration, 16B Taroona Admin building, Off-Campus


Dr Katie Cresswell is a marine and fisheries scientist focusing on research that informs and leads sustainable marine resource management, with a particular interest in prediction and adaptive management of climate change impacts to fisheries and coastal systems. Katie is a research fellow at IMAS, UTAS and team leader for the Modelling and Mapping Team, working on problems in fisheries and ecology, specifically larval dynamics and modelling of Longspined Sea Urchins and southern rock lobster to guide management decisions, as well as scalefish fishery assessment manager for Tasmania. Her PhD was creating behavioural models of the interactions between macaroni penguins and krill at South Georgia in the Southern Ocean. Following her PhD, she undertook a postdoctorate at the University of California, Santa Cruz with Professor Marc Mangel where she created behavioural optimisation models to predict the effects of climate change and krill fishing on penguins and krill. Her most significant model was a behavioural game-theory model of a male and female penguin raising a chick, considering parental conflict, chick growth and a variable prey field due to climate change.


  • Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies