Jessica RoydhouseProfile page
Select Foundation Senior Research Fellow
Menzies Institute for Medical Research
Orcid identifier0000-0002-8025-5841
- Select Foundation Senior Research FellowMenzies Institute for Medical Research
- Menzies Institute for Medical Research, Menzies Institute for Medical Research, 354a MSP 2, Hobart CBD Campuses, TAS
Dr Jessica Roydhouse is a Select Foundation Senior Research Fellow in Health Services Research at the Menzies Institute for Medical Research, the Director of the Tasmanian Cancer Registry and the Academic Lead for the Prostate Cancer Outcomes Registry - Tasmania. Her research focuses on patient-reported outcomes, proxy reporting, cancer clinical trials and treatment tolerability.
Jessica is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes, the Chair of the Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) Patient-Centered Special Interest Group and the Co-Chair-Elect of the International Society of Quality of Life Research Australia and New Zealand Special Interest Group. She is a member of the GP5 Working Group of the US National Cancer Institute Cancer Treatment Tolerability Consortium. Jessica is the recipient of the International Society of Quality of Life Research Donna Lamping Emerging Leader Award (2021) and the ISPOR Bernie O'Brien New Investigator Award (2023).
Jessica is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes, the Chair of the Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) Patient-Centered Special Interest Group and the Co-Chair-Elect of the International Society of Quality of Life Research Australia and New Zealand Special Interest Group. She is a member of the GP5 Working Group of the US National Cancer Institute Cancer Treatment Tolerability Consortium. Jessica is the recipient of the International Society of Quality of Life Research Donna Lamping Emerging Leader Award (2021) and the ISPOR Bernie O'Brien New Investigator Award (2023).
- PhDBrown University School of Public Health, United States
- Menzies Institute for Medical Research